Born in Japan Tsumori Chisato studied fashion within the famous Bunka School.
In 1977, she enters Issey Miyake as the head designer for “Issey Sport”, later renamed “I.S. Chisato Tsumori Design”.
In 1990, she starts her own collection Tsumori Chisato and her first fashion show takes place in Tokyo. Her work has been rewarded many times, including the prestigious “Mainichi award” in 2002.
Simple in their cutting, her designs are personalized by a lot of handmade materials and fabrics, with paste jewellery, embroideries, spangles, jewelleries, and printings that she imagines.
In Spring-Summer 2003, she introduces menswear into her collection.
In October, 2003, Tsumori Chisato chooses Paris as her first fashion show outside Japan.